Dna-Pcr And Hiv

Microtube and PCR Plate Cooler

BCM1834 1 pcs, 1 UNIT
EUR 288.61

Hiv Pcr Laboratories manufactures the dna-pcr and hiv reagents distributed by Genprice. The Dna-Pcr And Hiv reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact HIV PCR. Other Dna-Pcr products are available in stock. Specificity: Dna-Pcr Category: And Group: Hiv

Plum Pox Virus PCR Primer Set and Controls for RT-PCR

100 Reactions
EUR 285

Plum Pox Virus PCR Primer Set and Controls for qRT-PCR

100 Reactions
EUR 285

Gel and PCR Extraction System (100 preps)

EUR 180.06

Gel and PCR Extraction System (200 Preps)

200preps, 200prep
EUR 263.58

HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

1 unit
EUR 54.58
Description: HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

1 unit
EUR 406.05
Description: HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

1 unit
EUR 109.02
Description: HiPurA® PCR Product and Gel Purification

Hiv information

High Fidelity (HiFi) PCR SuperMix (-dye) (DNA, PCR)

abx098007-100l 100 µl
EUR 262.5

High Fidelity (HiFi) PCR SuperMix (-dye) (DNA, PCR)

abx098007-200l 200 µl
EUR 475

High Fidelity (HiFi) PCR SuperMix (-dye) (DNA, PCR)

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 ml
  • 5 ml

Apex PCR DNA Ladder

42-432 1 x 0.5ml/Unit
EUR 72.48
Description: 100 Lanes, 100-3,000bp

Apex PCR DNA Ladder

42-433 1 x 1.0ml/Unit
EUR 144.97
Description: 200 Lanes, 100-3,000bp

Apex PCR DNA Ladder

42-434 1 x 2.5ml/Unit
EUR 362.3
Description: 500 Lanes, 100-3,000bp


TM33750 100 Reactions
EUR 449.4

Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G126 10000 U (2 x 1.0 ml)
EUR 370.8

Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G008 5000 U (1.0 ml)
EUR 246

TaqFast DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G277 250 U (50 ul)
EUR 87.6

TaqFast DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G278 1000 U (200 ul)
EUR 160.8

HotStart DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G039 1000 U (200 ul)
EUR 189.6

HotStart DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G011 250 U (50 ul)
EUR 98.4

illustra GFx PCR DNA and Gel Band Purification Kit 100 prep - EACH

28903470 EACH
EUR 275.4

Bloodirect DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G462 100 U (100 ul)
EUR 73.2

Bloodirect DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G463 400 U (400 ul)
EUR 104.4

ASF 2.0 DNA PCR Assay

TC-9094-064 each
EUR 800