Elisa With Hrp

COVID-19 Spike Capture and Detection (HRP conjugate) ELISA pair with calibrator

ab-131-295-PAIR 5 x 96 wells
EUR 850
Description: These antibodies bind to two spike proteins (S1 & S2) on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and can detect presence of SARS-CoV-2  ELISA test COVID-19 spike protein using antibody pair ab-131-295-PAIR. Antibodies: Rabbit anti-spike protein S1 was coated at a dilution of 1/1000 in PBS for 1 hour at room temperature. After blocking, calibrator was diluted from 2000ng/ml to 15ng/m1 in blocking buffer and incubated for 1 hour on coated plate. After washing detection antibody (Chicken anti-spike protein S2 – HRP) was diluted 1/1000 in blocking buffer and incubated on the calibrator wells for 1 hour. After a final wash and tamping, the ELISA was developed by the addition of 100u1TMB to each well and stopped after 15 minutes by the addition of 0.2M sulfuric acid.

Hrp Elisa Laboratories manufactures the elisa with hrp reagents distributed by Genprice. The Elisa With Hrp reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact HRP elisa. Other Elisa products are available in stock. Specificity: Elisa Category: With Group: Hrp

Rabbit True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 3020

Rabbit True insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 690

Pig True insulin ELISA kit

192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Pig True insulin ELISA kit

1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Pig True insulin ELISA kit

1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Dog True insulin ELISA kit

192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Dog True insulin ELISA kit

1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine True insulin in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Hrp information

Chicken anti Human Thyroglobulin, conjugated with HRP

MBS396941-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 380

Chicken anti Human Thyroglobulin, conjugated with HRP

MBS396941-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1565

Chicken anti Human IgG Fc, conjugated with HRP

MBS396906-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 260

Chicken anti Human IgG Fc, conjugated with HRP

MBS396906-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1015

Donkey anti Chicken IgY Fab, conjugated with HRP

MBS397160-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 245

Donkey anti Chicken IgY Fab, conjugated with HRP

MBS397160-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 940

Klear Rat HRP with DAB Kit 18 ml

D98-18 -
EUR 476

Normal Duck IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397190-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 280

Normal Duck IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397190-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1105

Normal Goose IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397222-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 280

Normal Goose IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397222-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1105

Normal Quail IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397337-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 260

Normal Quail IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397337-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1010

Normal Turkey IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397358-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 335

Normal Turkey IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397358-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1355

Klear Mouse HRP with DAB Kit 18 ml

D52-18 -
EUR 412

Normal Chicken IgY (egg-derived), conjugated with HRP

MBS397256-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 245